Tea Foods:

   Most of us have seldom thought of cooking with tea. But I grew up not only drinking a variety of teas but ate many dishes prepared with tea as well. In China, people have been cooking with high-quality of tea for centuries, which happened before they actually started to drink it. By using dry tea leaf as a seasoning, the brew as a sauce or soup base, and infused tea leaves as vegetables, we would now share with all of you to explore another adventure of the tea world — tea dishes. The following are some of our examples:

Tea Food Dishes
Tea Banquet
Tea With Shrimps
Dragon Tea Shrimps


1) 2 grams of Dragonwell Tea;
2) 500 grams of Jumbo Lake Shrimps;
3) 1 egg white;
4) 10 ml wine sauce;
5) 2 grams of salt;
6) 3 grams of corn starch;
7) 500 grams of Olive oil.

Shrimps with Dragonwell Tea


Step 1: take off the shrimp shells, wash shrimp with cold water for 2-3 minutes, combine the shrimps with salt and egg white, and then add cornstarch to nicely coat the shrimps, using cooking chopsticks or your fingers to mix it in. wrap and put them into freezer for 60 minutes;
Step 2: brew dragonwell tea into boiled water (180 °F) with 50 ml for 2 minutes and then decant 40 ml of tea liquor;
Step 3: heat olive oil in a wok between 350 and 360 degrees Fahrenheit. drop the shrimps into the hot oil and stir it quickly for about 20 seconds, lift the wok away from stove and drain the shrimps out of the oil;
Step 4: put the shrimps into a wok again, pour tea leaves and tea liquor on to it, add wine sauce and stir for another 1-2 minutes, finally take out for serve.

Tea Barbequed Ribs
Black Tea Ribs

Fried Pork Ribs with Yunnan Black Congou


1) 10 pieces of pork ribs;
2) 15 grams of Yunnan Black Congou Tea;
3) 10 pieces of baby asparagus tips;
4) 30 grams of basil;
5) 20 grams of sugar;
6) 100 grams of barbeque sauce;
7) 2 grams of salt;
8) 3 grams of cornstarch;
9) 200 grams of Olive oil;
10) 1 cherry;
11) 1 piece of lotus root;
12) 1 piece of cucumber.


Step 1: wash the ribs and tick out the fat if any, and brew Yunnan Black Congou tea with 100 ml boiled water, wait until tea liquor cools down and then mix with barbeque sauce, sugar, salt, cornstarch, sit for 20 minutes;
Step 2: cut a cherry in half, heat asparagus tips and lotus root with boiled water, remove the ribs from the sauce and drain on the paper towel;
Step 3: slice lotus root and cucumber, heat a wok with Olive oil to temperature of 300 °F, drop the ribs and let them fried for 5 minutes;
Step 4: cover the dish with basil and take out the ribs from the wok and arrange them on the dish in the fan shape and plug in the asparagus tips between the ribs;
Step 5: put sliced lotus root and sliced cucumber and cherry on the dish as displayed on the photo, ready to serve.

>>>More recipes will be coming up soon, please check back later...