Tea Brick-China Tea Road Map


(Item No. K57136)

The major transportation of tea were embarked by horses and camels in centuries ago of China. Just as this, tea was compressed into tea bricks to make their transportation’s more efficient and easy by following this map from Eastern China to other countries. It is truly an inherited artwork.

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  • Item No. K57136 Tea Brick-China Tea Road Map
  • The major transportation of tea were embarked by horses and camels in centuries ago of China. Just as this, tea was compressed into tea bricks to make their transportation’s more efficient and easy by following this map from Eastern China to other countries. It is truly an inherited artwork. The title of this brick on the upper right corner is “The Ancient Road Map of Tea & Horse” (in Chinese: Cha Ma Gu Dao). And the bottom left corner says as below:
  • “Pu’er Tea:
    According to historical records, Pu’er was the distribution center of tea leaves produced in South.
    Yunnan tea leaves distributed in Pu’er became known as Pu’er tea. Technically speaking, Pu’er tea refers to fermented tea leaves made of Yunnan big-leaf green tea using traditional tea processing tea uniques.”
  • Size: 15 inches width, 11 inches length and 1 inch thickness.
  • Weight: 5.73 pounds (net weight of tea: 2200 g)
    Shipping: Within 24 hours. Cost: $85.97/piece.

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